21 Dec | 4 pm | Outdoor Carol ServiceWrap up warm and bring the family to sing carols at Eastrop Park Bandstand! |
22 Dec | 10 am | Morning Carol ServiceCome and enjoy some carols at this morning service, as we prepare for the big day. |
22 Dec | 4 pm | Christingle in the CommunityRelaxed all-age service exploring who Christmas is all about, including craft and refreshments.At Rucstall Community Centre, RG21 3QN. |
22 Dec | 6 pm | Traditional Carol ServiceJoin us for a cosy, candlelit evening of carols, sung in a traditional style. |
24 Dec | 4 pm | Nativity ExtravaganzaWitness the re-enactment of the Christmas in this fun, interactive, all-age experience. |
24 Dec | 11 pm | Midnight CommunionSee in Christmas morning at this quieter, more reflective service. |
25 Dec | 10 am | Christmas Day CelebrationThe day is here! Come and celebrate with us at this all age service. |
All services, unless stated otherwise, will be held at St Mary’s Church, Goat Lane, Basingstoke RG21 7PZ.