

St Mary’s is committed to safeguarding children, young people, victims/survivors of domestic abuse, and vulnerable adults. Further information about support can be found here. The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website.

Safeguarding issues can be raised with the Rector, any staff member, or our Parish Safeguarding Officers Catherine de Mars and Aaron Webb, who may be contacted via the church office (01256 464249) or by email

Other Contacts

Immediate Risk If you are concerned that a child or vulnerable adult may be at immediate risk, contact the Police: 999

Hampshire Children and Families Out of Hours Service If you need immediate advice or help on Monday to Friday 6pm – 8am or on weekend and Bank Holidays: 0300 555 1373

Diocesan Safeguarding Manager (Jackie Rowlands)
Telephone:  01962 737317  Mobile:  07921 865374
