

Men’s Reading Group

The Men’s Reading Group meets at St Mary’s in the Annexe, on a Saturday morning at 8.45am until 10.30am. We start with coffee and pastries. We are a group of men who enjoy meeting together to share our faith by discussing and talking through what we have learnt from a current book. New members are welcome, just show up, sign up or contact the church office for further information.

Cricket Club

St Mary’s Cricket Club is a member of the Hampshire Cricket League. It plays, and occasionally wins, matches throughout the summer season. You’ll find plenty more information at their website.


Join some of the men of St Mary’s and others for a kick around on Saturday mornings. Ages 14 and up. All abilities welcome! We meet at Everest Community College every Saturday (Sept to May) at 9am-10am. First week is free, after that there is a contribution of £5 (£2 non-working) towards hire.

Men’s Breakfasts

We regularly meet together over breakfast. See details of our next one below: