Matt & Adele Guest

Matt & Adele Guest

Cornerstone Church started meeting in January 2019 with a team of 9 adults and 4 children. Before planting this new congregation, we spent two years planning and prayerfully preparing and were sent by five evangelical Anglican churches. We meet in Bethany Centre, a building we acquired in summer 2019 in Crewe. It is a great space that provides great opportunities.

For Sunday evenings, we meet for ‘simple service@6’, a half hour service with supper provided. Midweek groups meet at our home. Last year we started ‘Families@4’, a midweek family style ‘service’ with a meal provided for families. Through that we have seen three mums start Christianity Explored which meets in our portacabin with a soft play that was donated to us. 

Our vision as a church is that by God’s grace and for God’s glory, we seek to gather, grow, give and go. This underpins all our events, groups and activities.

We Gather together on a Sunday in God’s Word.

We Grow through our mid-week central meetings where we have questions to apply the sermon that was preached.

We Give through serving both practically and financially because of Jesus’ sacrifice.

We Go, making it a priority to offer hospitality, intentionally join community events, get to know neighbours, and make friends outside the church family. We deliberately aim to keep meetings to a minimum, freeing up time for the church to go. Hospitality in one another’s homes plays a big part in this vision for the church, in both their discipleship and evangelism. Currently an average of 25-40 meet regularly on Sundays.

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